Tickets went on sale for the Indigo Girls concert on April 11th (a very important historical day) and Danny decided that it was the perfect birthday present. We both had reservations about the date 6/27 only 2 weeks from the due date but we decided to go ahead and buy them! Well, we made it!!!
It was a wonderful concert out at Secret House Vineyard and Bobby and Christy rode with us! It was warm during the day but the sun went down and it was a wonderfully perfect night to be out sitting in the grass.
Speaking of perfection...I am blessed...and this video is proof.
So, here we are...17 days away from the "due date". As I sit here and type my belly is wiggling from side to side and lots of gyrations are occurring. Someone is probably really cranky that I haven't gone to get food yet!
Our appointment on Monday was great as was our "R is for Argue" session. My blood pressure is fabulous, there aren't any proteins in my urine and I got my papers to carry with me to take to the hospital. On the way to pick up Maya, Danny and I realized that when we were pregnant with her we knew we were dealing with "interventions" by this point in the pregnancy. So we are in uncharted waters as of right now...wandering around pregnant and wondering when "it" is going to happen. In some ways we are just ignoring the approaching change (we haven't: filled out the pre-admission paperwork, installed the car seat or packed a bag) and in other ways we are definitely ready (we have: diapers, an excited big sister, and lots of love).
In less than four weeks (two to three is more likely) everything will be different. How strange and exciting!
I know I made the picture edict (Mel I will obey my own rules) but I don't have any "new" pictures to post. Perhaps I will be brave tonight and take a picture of the 37+4 belly. :)
--- are two shots...really the least embarrassing of them all and that's not saying much. One is sort of head on and the other is a profile...both of'll see...

It was definitely a busy weekend filled with fun and work. Lindsey and Thomas Srs came to town on Friday, we had Bounce and the Shower on Saturday and then Sunday John and Elaine got Danny and I moving on the New One's room! :) Now he/she actually has a place to sleep that doesn't look like an oversized closet!
We are down to the "teens" in the countdown. It doesn't seem quite possible. Danny and I laid in bed for about an hour last night chatting about life and parenting and more specifically the fact that we should maybe pack a bag in case this kid decides to make an appearance! We are hoping it doesn't happen this week since our doctor is having a rest in Hawaii. We do have an appointment this afternoon...a weekly check up kind of thing.
I'll post a few pictures of our adventures below. But first a little warning...Maya is deeply intrigued by Boudreaux's Butt Paste. So, if you come to our house and she comes chasing you with a finger full of oatmeal looking paste...RUN! :) She is definitely in a mad scientist faze which you will see in the photos.
Here are some pictures from Danny and Maya's adventures in Seattle. Cars, trains, beaches, friends & family and lots of fun!
We had our 36 week appointment on Tuesday. All is well and fine and we are good for another week. We are up to every week appointments. Dr. Schnapper is on vacation next week so we will see one of the other docs which will be odd...but at least she is going on vacation next week rather than early July! :)
Maya's new turn of phrase is "I know..." which precedes any brilliant idea of what she wants or wants to do. For example, we were driving home from school and she was having a hard time. All of a sudden she stops whining and declares in a very chipper voice "I know, Daddy I need some almonds"! And wouldn't you know was better after that declaration and a bowl full of almonds. Today, it was "I know...we can go for a bike ride! It's not raining and it's not dark! OK!" Seriously she kind of cracks us up.
She also melts our hearts. Last night Maya and I were rocking before bed. As Danny left the room she said this little series of "thank yous". Thank you for bringing me water. Thank you for making supper daddy. Thank you for the bike ride. Seriously, I think Danny was nearly in tears. She is a funny critter.
Happy Father's Day Schmoopie! Maya, the New One and I love you!

I have gotten behind in updating the blog...shame on me. But now that dead week and finals week are behind me perhaps I will stay more on top of things.
It feels like we have been really busy between work, school, birth to 3, birthday parties and appointments that we haven't had much time for anything else. There are of course bike rides and loud trains, strollers and swings and dinosaurs in the bath! :)
Here are a few pictures of the last couple of weeks.
2 ways to describe the new addition to our family.
Today we had one last ultrasound to check on the growth of the wee one. Well we found him/her to be wonderfully boring in the growth department and hugely uncooperative once again. Last time, if you recall, we got lots of shots of the nose and feet (and parts we didn't want to see). This time we got shots of cheeks (the facial variety) and feet and once again, parts we didn't want to see. We even got to see in the weird 3D version which could have given us a really interesting picture...but Noooooo, not a picture for this one! :)
I got a lovely little item in the mail from Mel and perhaps I will take a picture in it tomorrow and add it to the post so everyone can see the amazing growing belly.
Our next appointment is in 2 weeks (36 weeks). It's the lovely Group B Strep test which is one of those damn "pants-off" visits! Joy and bliss. After that it's once a week til the end. Week 37 we see a different doctor because ours is taking a vacation. We were given strict orders to be good patients and not go in labor while she is away! We will try and be obedient. Hell, as long as it stays cool around here I am fine being far!