The final installment.
Friday (9/12)
Porter's 4th Birthday!!! Hooray.
We got up in the morning and went shopping for gifts and had the mandatory lunch at Graces!! Yummy. Well, one of the requested items on Porter's list was roller skates! So, you can guess who also needed roller skates...Princess Maya. Boy, oh boy. She also decided she needed big girl underwear. Well, here are two pictures to show how that all went down! :)

Note the size and shape of the wet spot on the step! :)

We headed off to Jon and Teresa's house for Porter's big birthday bash! The kids were able to run around and burn off a little bit of the sugar ingested from the cake. Here is a great pic of Porter and Grandma Babe!

After the festivities we realized that Maya and Porter hadn't had supper (well, any of us for that matter) and we also realized that they were totally cracked out on sugar so we headed to McDonald's to have supper (healthy, I know) and burn off some energy in the playland!

Saturday (9/13)
Saturday morning we headed down to Albert Lea to see Dad and Barb one last time. Of course Maya had to put Grandpa Jack through the ringer! Seriously...she knows how to play him!
First, it was helping her ride the motorcycle bike. First, note Grandpa Jack's posture...he kept it up for a long, long time! It's also important to note that this bike weighs an ungodly amount! Seriously, props to Grandpa Jack.

Next we moved on to a version of soccer, basketball, baseball. They were running and throwing with great aplomb until the ball went under the van. Maya was convinced the only person who could rescue her ball was...Grandpa Jack. So down he went...

Finally, with Andy's help, the motorcyle bike got it's training wheels attached again to save on Grandpa Jack's back and Maya was outfitted with a helmet (by Grandpa Jack of course) and off the two of them went on a rainy day adventure!

Lots of saying goodbye and packing on Saturday night but we had time for a walk too. I just wanted to show off Maya's glamorous outfit. Apple hat, Vikings sweatshirt, tutu, and polka dot leg warmers. She is quite the fashion maven!

Sunday (9/14)
What an overwhelming travel day!
-one car ride from Owatonna to Minneapolis
-one plane ride from Minneapolis to Seattle
-one car ride from Seattle to Eugene
That was definitely one too many "rides".
We were able to have a discombobulated "lunch" with Kate (our lovely Renton chauffeur) and the Thomases at Taco Time. But seriously, Danny and I were exhausted, Maya was insane and Fin was chill (as always).
By the time we got home we were all delirious. We had a lovely vacation visiting friends and family but it felt pretty good to get home and sleep in our own beds!!