We started off the morning a little earlier than normal because we have to feed Maya breakfast. She was pretty distracted so we didn't get much in her. She had picked out her outfit days ago and was anxious to get dressed. She didn't even balk at me brushing her hair, that's how distracted she was! :)
We took the whole fam to drop off. Maya marched right in and surveyed the situation. We met the teachers Quena and Carmen, figured out where all the important things are/go (potty, extra clothes, naptime supplies, lunch, etc.). We gave her a hug and smooch and headed out the door and left her deeply ensconced in the train table activities.
I know that Danny and I wondered throughout the day what she was up to and hoped for the best! We didn't receive any distressed phone calls so we knew that was a good sign.
We went to pick her up and she came bursting out the door to greet us--which, while fabulous, is against the rules. Overall, I would say she had a great day. She showed no anxiety throughout the day--no tears or fears (yes, that is an 80s pop group). The report from her teacher included a lot of what I had expected: hard time listening, hard time using inside voices and hard time looking at the person when speaking to or being spoken to. We knew it was going to be a rough transition because she is going from a very child-led classroom (nearly child-controlled) to a more rigidly, structured classroom. She also apparently peed every 12 minutes but I think this was due in large part to the potty being outside the classroom. Hopefully that newness will wear off!
She is looking forward to tomorrow so that is definitely a good sign. She didn't nap today but the teachers said they were up for the challenge and will give it another go tomorrow. I will try and keep the blog updated to her progress!
Let's get going!!

Maya with her bags of supplies!