Really the picture says it all.
I think she tromped around in Maya's boots for 15 minutes and we laughed the entire time! We've definitely entered into the "I'm-going-to-do-everything-Maya-does" phase.
We were lucky enough to sneak in a pre-Christmas visit to MN to see all the family. We trekked up to Portland on Monday night and flew out on Tuesday morning. Thankfully we sneaked into MSP before a winter storm.
Things were slow moving on our way south to Owatonna but nothing too awful. Somewhere between Faribault and Medford Maya alerted us that she had to pee RIGHT NOW. So, I took the next off ramp and the poor kid peed outside in a MN winter storm. Good to see she is hearty stock! :D
It doesn't look "that bad" in the picture but it was windy, snowing and quite cold.
Tuesday night it snowed all night. Danny and I ran out to Target in the blizzard after we got the kids tucked into bed. I knew we wouldn't be getting out much the next day and I wanted the girls to have snowpants/jackets that they could go out in the snow in. I think we were the only people dumb enough to be out but our mission was a success.
Maya loved the snow. Fin, on the other hand, thought the snow was ok as long as she wasn't in it!
Porter came over to show Maya "the ropes" of snow play. Maya showed him how to make an snowball store. They had a good time playing together.
We spent a lot of time visiting family and eating food, of course. We had supper with Grandma Babe, played 500 with Grandma Babe and Shirley. Maya had her first overnight at Porter's house. She didn't get much sleep but she did manage to stay over all night. She went swimming with Jonathan, Teresa and Porter as well.
Four generations picture.
We went to see Santa at the Owatonna Arts Center. There were pics with Santa and then a reading of "The Polar Express". Fin wanted absolutely nothing to do with Santa. Maya was wiggly and squirmy but we managed to get a quick shot.
There was a stunning Christmas tree and we managed to get Porter, Maya and Fin sitting their momentarily. This picture captures each of them in an interesting light!
We had a very Merry Kuchenbecker-McKinney Christmas at the Geneva Bar and Grill. It was great. Dad and Barb made prime rib, fried chicken, au gratin potatoes, and green bean casserole. It was fabulous. The entire family was there.There were family pictures.
There was family bingo with fabulous prizes!!!! Maya was an excellent caller. She would walk over and personally tell you the number.
There were quarters aplenty for pool, the claw game and...the juke box. Of course Danny was the first to put music in the machine and out blasted our family favorite "Single Ladies" which wasn't that big of a deal EXCEPT it was at Saturday night full bar volume on a Sunday evening. Holy hell it was funny. The kids all got into a little dance party with some Lady Gaga, a little Abba and other raucous tunes.Maya alternated between using her cue stick as a guitar and using it as a vehicle for applying chalk.
Fin, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with the actual presents in the bag. She just wanted to pull her bags around. So she did.
After much fun and relaxing it was time to take our leave. We had a couple last minute cuddles, smooches and pictures with Grandma Sandy.
We drove up to MSP a day early because the McThor clan were kind enough to make the trek down from Fargo so we could hang out before getting on the plane. We had adjoining suites which worked perfectly. We had sleeping rooms and a bit of room to run. It was great to see them and finally meet Griffin and Duncan. Their family is beautiful and it was great to be able to sit and chat.We got to do a little swimming.
And Maya got a chance to practice her mothering skills.
We flew out Thursday morning (12/17). We allowed a ton of extra time but after returning the car, getting through security and peeing we walked onto the plane just before they closed the door! The flight was pretty good although we were all pretty tired. Getting back to PDX we got our luggage and then had to wait for the shuttle, install the car seats, get back to our car, install the car seats....whew!Needless to say we were ecstatic to be home and in our own beds that night!!!!