Thursday, September 30, 2010

Maya and the Glee soundtrack

A few days ago, while we were driving the girls to school we were listening to the Glee Soundtrack in the car - this is a common occurance, in fact, right now the most requested song in our car is the Glee version of Proud Mary...

as we drove, the song True Colors came on, Jen and I both love this song and love to sing along to it...

So we were in our little world - and Maya and Fin were doing their best to sing along too.

All of a sudden, from the back, Maya busts out with, "Mom, can you see my True Colors?"

Ugh, I lost it, I can barely keep it together just thinking about it now - so sweet.

Mom replied with an appropriately vibrant, "YES"

"What to they look like?" Maya asked...

"Purple and Pink, and honest and loving and patient...."

True Colors indeed

party girl says, lets put on a show...

Yesterday I picked Maya up from School...
I had been reminded, while tidying the girls' room and closet, how amazing Maya has been about night time potty trips - she is rocking it - no accidents in weeks - no pull-ups since July!
So we talked about that, I told her I was proud and that she desrved to be rewarded for that and she could pick what she wanted to do for lunch - after we had our haircuts!

On the way to the Haircut Place Maya and i had a really cool conversation I would like to share...

She had been quiet and contemplative for a few minutes and we were listening to some groovy music together in the car...

she perked up and said, "Daddy, can we see some real kids dance sometime, and i can dance with them?"

I replied, "of course, you bet!"

"Can we have everyone we know and just, right outside our house put on a show?"

And I said, "fer sure, some day..."

"Can we sing and dance and have lights and it'll be mascara (that means pretty) and i'll invite lots of boys and some girls but no mean ones, and people from Eugene, and here, at my school and Odin and the babies too, and we'll bring out chairs and have juice and just... (here there was a giggle somewhere in the realm goofy and prematurely teenaged)... you know... just party!

And I said, "sounds like a blast, like my dream come true!"

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Baby in a Toddler Bed

Yesterday I discovered that the crib we've been using had been part of a massive recall at the end of April. We had been talking about taking the side off and letting Fin sleep in the toddler version of the crib. Upon discovering the crib was actually a death trap we took advantage of the recall and got Fin a toddler bed! She is adorable and was thoroughly excited at her big kid bed!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Morning Dress Up

Dress up has always been a big deal in our house. No big surprise there. Someone is usually donning a tutu or leotard or pretending to be someone they aren't (no comments please). This morning we added a couple of new personas.


Elmo Princess

Maya had been eyeing up Odin's Batman costume and we found a screaming deal at Old Navy so we got her one of her own. I'm sure there will be pics to post of the dueling BatMan/Girl!

Now these shouldn't be confused with Halloween costumes...which, at this point, are "Soccer Fairy Princess" and "LadyBug" but honestly, you just never know where we will end up!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

First FM Birthday Party

We had our first invitation to an FM area birthday party and it was guessed it...a gymnastics place! The girls (and Danny and I) have been missing our Saturday morning Bounce adventures since the relocation.

The girls were fabulous!!! They had so much fun and they jumped back into using the equipment like they'd never been gone!

Maya in the foam pit.

Fin taking the run at the foam pit.

And who is that big kid on the giant balance beam?!?!?! I was gloriously proud!

She hopped right up and started walking across. No fear, just concentration and focus!

Then a big dismount into the foam pit. She told me it felt like she was flying and spinning at the same time! We are doomed! :D

Fin was awesome as well. She attacked the bar and launched herself over it. She loves to do the roll over but forgets to keep hanging onto the bar. She also hopped up on the giant balance beam but requires hand holding so it is harder to take pictures!

Where we missed pics of Fin on the apparatuses we were able to capture her very particular way of eating cake! :D

Please note the fork sitting next to her hand. It should be noted that she had tried a bite which had "chocolate cake" and she spit it out saying, "It's too gucky". Um, hm.

Going in.

Yeah. I'm onto something here.

What's that? I have something on my face?

Are you going to stop me?

Blue tongues unite!

It was a great day. Happy 4th birthday Marina! Thanks for inviting us to your party!

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Thomases Take Their Leave

The Thomases departed this morning and we were able to get some good shots in before we all ran off in separate directions!

Doing a little driving.

Grandparents and kids

Plus Danny

Stern-Faced Looking Crew

An attack of the sillies!

Park Photos #59302

It seems like we have a billion and a half park photos and we probably do but man we get some great shots there! Just a couple of the girls. They are getting so big!!!!

We have also entered a new phase of life...doing hair for 2 girls in the morning. Fin's hair is getting to the length where it is necessary to get at least some of it into a pony or piggy tails so she can see the world! It's quite awesome and she is pretty proud of having her hair done!

Maya often gets to take a few shots. This one captured Daddy quite nicely! :D

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Thomases are in Town

John and Elaine made the journey from Seattle to Fargo. They wanted to get a driving adventure in before the snow started flying.

They arrived on Wednesday (9/15) evening! It was a great visit filled with parks and walks, a tour of Concordia, a night out on the town, a visit to the McThor's house a trip (or two) to Eddie Bauer and a trip to the Red River Zoo!

Here are a few shots of the adventures!

The Glamor Squad!

Fin and Grandpa John playing on the equipment.

Fashionistas at the zoo.

Grandpa John checking out the rare but intriguing mallard ducks at the zoo.

Maya in with the dangerous and often wily goats!

Solitude is often a requirement after the excitement of the zoo!

In defense of the zoo there are camels and snakes and Chinese pandas and other things more exotic than ducks and goats! :P

Monday, September 13, 2010

Winks and a little Fin

Maya has been a winking fool lately! Every chance she gets, and then some, is filled with a wink!'s winking at ya!

And our shaggy little one! :D

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Newest Members of the Red River Zoo

We have a fabulous little zoo just around the corner (literally) from our house! Danny and the girls rode bike past it a couple of times, we've waved at the camels a time or two from the freeway and we've heard tales from the McThors but today we finally went to see it first hand! It is fabulous!!!

Fin checking the ducks and peacocks out!

Feeding the ducks!

I think they were checking out the mama peacock and her two babies!

The camels!

Odin and Maya checking out the big pony!!!

There is also a carousel and playground. The kids had a great time and we took advantage of a yearly membership. Now we can head over to look at the Meerkats, camels, spiders, wolves, porcupines whenever we want!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hanging in Underwood

We have had an awesome last couple of days...Auntie Kate has been in Fargo/Moorhead! The girls have loved hanging with her and the McThor's and Thomas families have been soaking in as much Auntie Kate energy as we possibly can.

Today the girls and I drove her to Underwood to deliver her into the bosom of her family! :D The girls loved meeting Kate's family and we even had time to play in the park next to her house. Hooray for Auntie Kate time!

Fin started with playing the organ.

Esme, Kate and Maya walking to the park...

Maya bounced...

Fin climbed...

There was sliding...

A little monkeying...

And playing on the train car...

And Maya taught herself a new trick...

that isn't "quite" perfected...