Friday, November 29, 2013

Board Games

We took advantage of Claire's nap time during Thanksgiving break and broke out the Sequence game. It was great fun!

Music Time with Dad

Dominant Narratives

Kicking off the morning with White Christmas.

Maya: Are these the same characters as Singing in the Rain?

Cue conversation about dominant narratives.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Crazy Little Kid

Day 25: Grateful for a night at home with Claire. What a funny, weird kid. Her words are arriving quickly and she has such a strong desire to communicate and connect. It is pretty amazing to spend solo time with her.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Day 17: Today I am grateful for music. From opening weekend of "Urinetown" to Prism this afternoon in Memorial, it has been an amazing example of the talented students and faculty that I work alongside. Each of us was moved to tears by music at some point this weekend.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Counting Down

Day 4: While I may be counting up the days of gratitude, Ms. Maya has taken it upon herself to count down the days until "Urinetown" opens. "MOM! Only 10 days until opening!" were the first words out of her sleepy body this morning! God bless this child's excitement and passion! May her passion fuel and guide her always!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Pictures of School Pictures

The quality isn't great but the kiddos are so cute!