The red walls that is! It is a bit gloomy and doomy outside so the color may be a bit wonky but you will get an idea of how much it has changed the room! The color has more orange than purple in it. I think the picture that shows the color of the best is the one with the "new" bathroom door on it. The others look to wine colored. The closet and bathroom doors will all get painted white.

The cabinet that has four splotches of paint on it has the "white" we are using. It is the one in the top left corner. The doors are coming off the bottom cupboards this afternoon and I'm off to Jerry's to match wood for the replacement cupboard doors! It's all too exciting!
We still haven't scheduled the Home Depot folks to come out and measure to get the countertops. I suppose I should do that!

The red is absolutely gorgeous! Great work.
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