Saturday was a very busy day for a number of reasons – We had plans to go to Kensington Gardens and the Royal Mews – meet Uncle Matt at the London Eye at 2:30pm and meet Bryony Lavery at Barbican at 5:30pm…
We started the morning with a shot of all of us wedged in the elevator. A sidenote: it took 3 trips to get us and all our gear up to our apartment...this was much preferred to the 5 flights of winding stairs!

Turned out to be our first beautiful day weather-wise – Kensington Gardens and the Princess Di Memorial park were fabulous
We walked through Kensington Gardens and had to stop and say hello to HRM's swans. Maya wanted to pet them...thankfully we convinced her otherwise thanks to a man who donated some bread to our distraction efforts.

Onward and upward to Neverland. I'm not sure who had more fun, Maya or Danny! It was a wonderful place. The gated park is open to the public from 9:30-10am daily but from 10am-close adults must be accompanied by a child to get inside the grounds. It may be a false sense of security and safety but it felt so good to let her go and run--some much needed freedom for her.

Fin spent a lot of time nursing and napping but woke up to watch Danny and Maya tearing it up!

we headed to the Mews and had to stop for food and ended up running out of time but the rest of the day fell together perfectly
Here we are at lunch. Lunch photos aren't so exciting you say. Well, I believe these could be indicative of our future with a pair of sisters!
F: Hey Maya...look over there.

F: Hmmmm....you have such lovely hair.


F: Who me? I'm just sucking on my hand. I'm cute!

We met Matt and purchased our tix for the Eye in just enough time to make the 2:30 ride.
We rode the Eye and by the end of the journey Matt and Maya were fast friends – in fact I think Maya was houting “UNCLE MATT UNCLE MATT” nearly the entire trip.
Maya taking in the sights riding in the London Eye pod. Do you remember yesterday's trip in search of the carousel? Well, between Big Ben, London Bridge, Fleet Street, the Thames...Maya found a carousel!!!

What did Fin do? Nursed and slept. Are you sensing a trend here?

Then we walked up the bank enjoying the weather and the buskers…and the CAROUSEL!!! Maya wanted Uncle Matt to ride with her but at the last minute asked me to ride with her. So, off we went. My ponies name was Robert and Maya's was Dorinda. The third pony in our row was Daniel. Maya thought that was kind of amusing. She kept saying, "Look Daddy is riding with us too. Noooo, just a horse with his name!"

We made our way to the Millennium Bridge and Uncle Matt and Maya were fast friends until Maya fell fast asleep… (Our family photo that I used as a teaser post is on this bridge.)
we crossed the millennium bridge and made our way up to Fleet Street where Uncle Matt hailed a cab and we cabbed it a few blocks to the Barbican…
Jen was a little early for her meeting so we all sat and had a drink while the kids dozed…
Jen split to go find Bryony and Matt and I caught up told stories and b.s.ed for a while.
Fin woke up and ate some peaches and eventually Maya did too – she had a snack
I do have to make an addendum / correction here. So Fin woke up before I left to interview Bryony. Fin desperately needed a diaper change so Danny set off to find the baby changing station. There were signs all over for a family bathroom but after several attempts he gave up and handed her to me. I tried to find it but didn't have any luck either. So I decided to go out into the Barbican lobby to broaden my search. As I'm walking I suddenly feel something wet on my leg--Fin is peeing through, yes through, her diaper and her pee is falling through the air and onto my leg as I walk. I give up, go to a corner of the lobby and change her diaper.
I liken this experience to my wedding day. I never thought I'd get married with my hair soaking wet with sweat (thank god for veils) nor did I imagine interviewing Bryony with baby pee on my leg!
Needless to say, I receovered and headed off for my interview and left everyone to catch up / meet Uncle Matt.

we all went potty and then we went outside – it was about sixish – we looked at the fountains and the water for a bit – and not long after we went outside Jen and Bryony came to find us – how exciting to meet her!
When Bryony heard "the fam" was in the cafe she asked if she could meet them. It was great to share that with them!
Maya had everyone stepping in line in no time!!

We were all exhausted after our big day – but managed to get the tube home and stop for some chicken for Maya on the way…
Later Uncle Matt went and got Chinese take out and cider for the grown ups…
We stayed up late chatting and catching up which was kind of a mistake because Finley was in full on again off again mode thru the night – Maya however was a rockstar and slept thru the night! a really great last night in London!
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