Yesterday afternoon I worked on some grading and Danny took Maya to go pick up Fin. They made a bit of a stop to take a look at the river and splash in the puddles...not to mention burn off a bit of energy.
Maya "Singing in the Rain".

Lots of fashion for puddle stomping!

The mural under the bridge.
Finley had her own kind of splashing to the bathtub. She has grown up so much in the past couple of weeks. Her language has exploded and she is often speaking in full sentences these days. Some of her favorites include: "Mommy/Daddy wake up!", "I need help, please", "I want that" and "MAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAA"!
She has also gotten a bit of a fro going. She went from being our bald baby to being a chia pet really.
Here she is perfecting the "slow burn take" in the bathtub.
No way, Jose!
Starting on June 14th both girls will go down to care on Tuesday/Thursday full days at the Co-op until mid-July. We will see how it all works. Hopefully we will start our big moving adventure about the same time.
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