Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Festivities

What a fabulous day.

We started the morning with popcorn, root beer floats and the parade. As a side note, we had promised the girls those treats the night before but we ran out of time. But it was kind of a fun way to start the day...a special treat!

While the kids watched the parade, Danny and I got the turkey in the oven, green beans and stuffing prepped and then settled down to watch with the kids.

There were phone calls to family to say hello and get final recipes.

The weather was gorgeous today...nearly 60. Danny took the girls for a bike ride to pick up a wreath that we ordered. While they were out I made the potatoes and gravy and cooked the beans and stuffing. It was great timing and nice to have outside time for the kids and quiet time for mom.

Dinner was amazing. We passed a leaf that Maya had picked up on one of her adventures and said what we were thankful for. Family, health, and Zuzu were the common offerings.

After lunch the girls played Starfall (ABC/reading website) while Danny and I watched figure skating and football...aka...took a nap.

There was a pretty intense dance party that got things moving and grooving. Lots of shrieking and giggling and busting a move!

The dance party ended, of course, with a wrestling match. How Danny survived this without barfing is beyond me!

Then we settled in for a little Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. The night ended with the girls singing as they "cleaned" up their rooms. The lyrics were something like this..."I didn't do it. You did it. You clean it up. I won't. Yes you will." It went on and on. I'm sure you get the drift!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

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