Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tree Decorating

Putting up the tree was a bit challenging this year.

Every year the tree stand never quite makes it into the Christmas storage box right away. Last year wasn't any different and in the hulabaloo we lost one of the bolts. So we had to run to the hardware store to get a replacement. No big whoop.

Then of course, since we go to a do-it-yourself tree place the stump has a few nobs and bumps that we have to saw off to get it to fit in the stand.

More and more struggles. Between Danny, Mom and I, there were more swears than necessary...I'm pretty sure.

Eventually after an hour or two of fighting we decided it was time to get rid of the old metal stand that we've been swearing at for the last 10 years and get a new fancy one.

Holy hell!!! Why didn't we do that years ago?!?!?! Brilliant. (This is a good picture of the gaps caused when we removed the "twin".

This year's tree decorating costume was swimsuits. This is about as much as Fin got into decorating the tree. It was just "too pokey" for Fin to deal with!

The tree with lights.


All done! We love it!!!

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