Let me preface this update by saying...Danny and I are starting to think we might be a "bit" insane. And for those of you that are laughing and saying "A BIT?!?# Ya think"...piss off! :)
The Good news: We no longer have to vacuum because we have beautiful "distinguished" hardwood floors in our house.

The Bad News: We have to figure out how to remove a couple layers of linoleum from the entry way.

The Ugly News: We have "blown up" our satellite tv and our internet cable. All of this results in a tripped fuse as well. Both companies are coming out to do the repairs tomorrow morning and Danny is hoping to figure out why he keeps getting shocked (or why the circuit is tripping) this afternoon. Keep your fingers crossed.
In Other News: Look who is sleeping in a "big" girl bed. Last weekend (i.e. the weekend before the great carpet/dish/internet/outlet debacle) we started the transition(s) of moving Maya to her new polka-dotted big sister room. She is very excited and this is just the first of her "baby steps".

There is our update in a nutshell! :) Even I am left shaking my head today.
I am totally impressed. What a weekend! I'm really surprised you found time to give us a call yesterday--thank you.
Hey, Gracie's got those same pants!
The floors are beautiful -- I'm jealous.
Uh, Grace is playing with a tub of vaseline.
How are you all? We've been thinking about you.
I'll ask T about the linoleum; he might have some ideas.
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