Saturday we got up and went to Bounce for Maya gymnastics, then Home Depot to schedule the measuring visit for our new counter tops, then to Taco Del Mar for lunch. Then we made it home for nap time for all 3 of us. I got a couple more coats of white paint on the cabinets before the Wiant's came over for supper and play time. After a biting battle at bedtime, Danny and I chilled and watched some tv before falling asleep.
Sunday we got up and I got the final coat of paint on the cabinets before we headed out for breakfast and a shopping trip for essentials. I ended up getting a few items from Motherhood (a store I absolutely detest entering) before getting a cart full of household bathroom items at Target. Seriously, it was kind of ridiculous...we got diapers and wipes for Maya, litter for Puss and toilet paper for Danny and I. We were laughing. All of a sudden we realized it was 12:15 and instead of getting home for a quick nap before a pool birthday party that we were going to have to go straight to the pool after picking up suits and towels. We lasted about an hour at the pool before an exhausted and napless Maya declared it was time to go home. Poor kid was passed out in the car immediately. A family rest was declared and at 4:30 we started hanging the doors on the cabinets. It started out pretty rough but got better...and eventually we were victorious. Maya kept busy in various ways...and we have doors up with 2 coats of paint.

I am hoping tomorrow (Tuesday) to get the final coat of paint on in the morning and spend the rest of the day installing knobs. I don't have any duties at school although I have a ton of reading and planning to do for Wed/ we will see what I get accomplished. It's looking pretty good.
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