One last update for the day. It was HOT today. Hot as in grumpy pregnant mom hot! Apparently we will have one more day of it tomorrow and then it will cool off into the mid-80s again. Whew!
What else is there to do other than play in water on the deck? Well, that is exactly what Maya and Danny did while I had a little rest in front of the fan. Here is a little proof!

This is a lovely picture that Auntie Kate will appreciate. I think she often complains of her hair doing the same thing in the heat and humidity!

And finally a picture of me and Maya...not the most flattering...but not much is flattering on me these days. Even with an Elmo sticker stuck to my belly!

More tomorrow, I'm sure!
1:00pm Update
So for those of you checking periodically throughout the day, I thought I'd let you know that anything that was happening has now subsided...but it's nice to know that something was going on.
Mad Duck opening was a success and it was fun to see the kids enjoying the show!
8:00am Update
I woke up at 3am wondering..."hmmm...I wonder what that is". I peed, read for a while and fell back asleep. At 7:30 I woke up again to weird crampy/achiness and told Danny that we should at least pack the bag this morning before we left for work. So, we did. We are "prepared". Yes, these could be early contractions but that doesn't mean the baby is coming right now! :) They seem to be worse when I walk around but considering it is going to be almost 100 today I'm not sure how much I will be able to spur them on.
I will update more later...because I have to go to...
Opening Day of Mad Duck. When we first started Mad Duck I said it was a race to see if we would get to opening first or have the baby first. Guess I know which one is going to win since I can guarantee you I am not going to have this baby in the next 1 hour and 38 minutes. (Mad Duck opens at 11am). Off to the park to watch "Cinderella, or, It's Okay to Be Different! I am a lucky girl!
I'm cyber-stalking you. Terrence is at work; too hot to move off the couch to do laundry; must follow the Thomas's life through distant mediated methods. Grace keeps asking me to read her books in French, but I'm only capable of really over-the-top Inspector Clouseu-esqe pronunciations. Am I scaring her for life by mocking the French?
Thank you so much for updating so well!!! I, too, am a stalker... and am thrilled to have updates so often!!
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