Driving home from the pool today we drove past a car. Not such a big deal; however, I asked Danny if had seen the driver because I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. About 30 seconds later we hear in a sing-songy voice "woman or man, woman or man, woman or man". This made Danny and I giggle but what really sent us over the edge was when she added "how I wonder what you are" (a la Twinkle Twinkle) to the lyrics. Seriously, they are amazing.
Today we had Bounce in the morning, got some berries at Saturday market, had lunch and then enjoyed a long 2 - 2 1/2 hour nap. Maya was tired from being up late last night watching the fireworks, Danny is sick and I am 39 weeks pregnant. We are definitely a sorry bunch today. After the nap we decided we would head to Splash to have a little pool time. Overall it was a pretty relaxing day...
Dr. Schnapper is on call tomorrow. We will see if we see her! :) I am definitely not holding my breath.
Here are a few pictures from the last couple of days.
The boring way:

A less boring way:

Totally exciting way:

The bike lady from yesterday's post who made "Maya feel very happy":

Getting used to the big sister role of pushing the stroller:

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