The morning began with a survey of the decorations and the loot. We filled the hallway with pink balloons, outfitted her chair with princess gear and laid all of her presents out on the table. Her sleepy brain began to register the importance of the day! MORE PRESENTS!

Well, who could resist allowing that sleepy kid the pleasure of a before-breakfast-present. We, of course, had the perfect one chosen for this moment. Little did we know it would become the uniform for many days/weeks/months to come!
Grandma Elaine and Grandpa John made their way over and we all enjoyed some homemade cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs, juice, etc. We were gearing up for the festivities for the rest of the morning/afternoon.
Grandma Sandy's balloons were a big hit. Mostly we saw a blur of pink in the sky and a blur of blue on the floor--that was Maya running laps around the house!

The Wacky Wiants joined us for some Chinese food. Then it was time for the requested "Cupcakes with Pink Frosting" (a la Pinkaliscious). Sorry Auntie Kate...but there are too many tongues in this picture to not post it! :)

Finally, we got to the present time of day...perhaps a bit too late in the day because the slightly crazed, sleepy look reappeared!

And finally, a walk down memory lane.
December 31, 2006
First Birthday
First Birthday

December 31, 2007
Second Birthday
Second Birthday

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