Danny is still working on shows and actually opens "It's a Wonderful Life" this week--onstage! He has rehearsals/shows every night this week so that will be an interesting challenge for the girls and I!
I am about a week late on turning in a dissertation chapter so that is what I am working on these next two weeks. And then, Christmas week and New Year's week the girls are home! No Day Care...hyperventilating! So that really means that I need to get my work done before the twin cyclones take up my time!
We went to Seattle for Thanksgiving. The drives had their moments but for the most part the long weekend was stress-free and relaxing!
We timed the drive to hit at nap time...and boy did it hit! (Maya had eaten lunch at school but couldn't resist Danny's leftover fries.)

Maya was convinced that Thanksgiving (like Halloween) was about handing out candy. So, to the craft and party stores we went to pick up some supplies. She delivered several to the Thomas neighbors and periodically we would see her stealthing her way to the basement with a Starburst in her fist.

We are hoping to get our Christmas tree next weekend...so there will be a lot of pictures to share. Today we went with Saf and her fam to Salem to the Gilbert House (children's museum type thing) and frolicked! It was fabulous. Here are a few of the adventures.

Have a good week!
Interestingly enough, there has been stuck in our driveway, near the grass where the Vue parked for a few days, a small squished something. Just now I went out to retrieve the yard trash bin and picked up the small squished thing, and Guess What?! I was a Starburst candy with wrapper still attached.
Grandpa T.
I mean IT was, not I was. Never have I been accused of being a squished Starburst.
Grandpa T.
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