She loves Maya! She loves Maya! She loves to watch, follow, bother, act like, pull push...anything to / be like her big sis! Clearly Maya is the apple of Fin's eye which periodically gets bruised by Maya's over-lovin' arms! There is still a fair amount of Fin getting tugged around but Danny and I pretty much let Fin defend herself except for a random extreme case.
Fin is in the Wobbler room at the Co-op. She loves her independence and is a pro at taking her bowl, spoon and sippie to the "all done" bucket. She recently got her first pair of "kicks" to run around on the playground with as her little Robeez were causing her to slip and slide. It was amazing watching her have a "shoe experience" when we were shopping and trying on various pairs to see what fit her foot the best! She was running all around the store just in awe. It was quite cute.
She is definitely picking up words here and there although Mama/Dada/Maya are all really interchangeable for her. There is book, Puss, caca (cracker), choo (shoe) and a lot of other unintelligible words that a whole lot of sense to her. She still holds the nickname of "Chairman" because she does quite a bit of extemporaneous speaking. She understands a ton and follows directions really well. She loves to be part of the gang. A few weeks back she came storming out of Maya's room carrying a little ladybug backpack and went and stood by the door. Of course she did...that's what the rest of us do in the morning.
She, like her sister, is really observant. She pays attention to details and is always ready to give you a hearty, growly laugh. She has a strong aversion to loud noises and is really sensitive to Maya's tantrums or outbursts. Basically this means once Maya starts you have about 3 seconds to get her calmed down before Fin starts! Oh yeah.
Fin LOVES bike riding. If she so much as sees her bike helmet she starts stamping and spouting about bike riding! It's pretty fabulous. She is still a good eater. She loves scrambled eggs, bananas, rice & beans and milk...especially mine and especially at night. She is still sleeping with us and still nursing for most of the night. Some days I don't deal very well with this and other days I'm at peace with it.
Overall she is growing leaps and bounds. She is quite magical.
Some photographic evidence.
Trying to figure out how Maya throws rocks so far...
shoving a little cracker in her mouth...
smiling in the sunshine...
figuring out drinking fountains...
did I mention her eyes are changing colors??? I'm guessing they will be a hazel or brown...
Funny face in a bike helmet...
the new "kicks"...
Sing with me..."anything you can do, I can do (better)"
and still a snuggly little bug
1 comment:
Fin is Fabulous and Adorable and I love her!
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