Last reported via the blog was her first day at LFS (Little French School). So we are about 6 weeks later and she is doing...well, she has some good days and some not so good days. It's been a total transition for her and for the most part I think she is taking it in stride. We are having a meeting with the "school" teacher and the "aftercare" teacher on Monday morning just to check in and make sure we are all on the same page. She can already count to 10, knows several of her colors, can ask to go to the bathroom and excuse herself from the table and a few other ditties--it's pretty impressive what their little minds soak in.
We've had a serious increase in potty accidents which I think is probably related to control issues. We've also had an increase in temper tantrums and sassiness which is either genetics or being a near-4 year...probably some combination of both. Some days are pure bliss and some days are absolutely trying and we love most minutes of both!
She has taken to telling me how to drive. "Mom turn your knocker [her word for blinkers] on!" "Mom, this is NOT the way to ______!" "Mom can dad drive? He uses the windshield wipers more." The list goes on and on. This is definitely my karma coming through. I know I used to torture my mom and dad with incessant questions about how the car went, did it hurt to hold your foot like that on the accelerator, why the blue light came on when you stomped on the floor (bright lights), etc. It is a trip.
She also notices! Mom why did you tilt your head that way? Dad why did you laugh and say oh. And on and on and on.
She is full of energy and life and questions. In the middle of the night a few weeks ago she asked Danny what a tarantula was. Danny quickly replied "a fuzzy bug--go back to sleep".
She doesn't like pants that flap / wiggle...aka any pants other than leggings. She tried tap class but couldn't handle the noise so we transferred back to ballet. She digs riding her bike and thinks that riding in the rain is a lot of fun. She likes tights with feet now--last season's no-no. She is really finding ways, periodically, to really express herself and her feelings/emotions/thoughts. It's quite surprising and astonishing. It's hard to believe that she will be 4 in two quick months.
Here are some pictures to catch up with.
The last few days of summer...throwing rocks...
hanging with Saf...
Some tap dancing feet
some high flying feet...
some cool outs at the park...
a bit of exhaustion...
what do you do when she looks at you like that?
Or this...
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