Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Visit from Auntie Kate

Kate was in town for her sister's wedding and she made a brief but very welcome visit to our house! The girls attacked her with lots of love and hugs!

There were lots of smiles.

And snuggles.

And when it was time to say goodbye there were lots of tears as well!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Weekend in St. Cloud

We were invited to a wedding in St. Cloud and Grandma Sandy offered to come up to the hotel and hang out with the girls while we went out. It was a wonderful time and the girls keep asking to go back to St. Cloud and meet Grandma! :D

There was lots of swimming (even Grandma got in on the action).

There was fun at the wedding!

And a quick family "portrait" in the pool the next morning before heading home!

A wonderful overnight vacation!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sunny Cold

One thing you learn living in the land of 40 below is that you get outside when it is above 10 degrees and sunny.

Whether it is blowing bubbles.

Or riding bike.

Eating icicles.

Making funny faces.

Or just enjoying being outside!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Nosy Old Lady

Posted at The Next Family
by: Danny Thomas

Recently a friend of mine had a run in with a Nosy Old Lady. This friend was sitting with her child, who is weaning or recently weaned (and still boob-obsessed). The little “weaner” had one hand in her mom’s shirt and the other thumb in her mouth.

Nosy Old Lady approached and not only gave an unsolicited opinion but actually took the child’s hand out of her mouth. Many would be dismayed or shocked by this experience; my friend certainly was.

Not me. I have this theory about Nosy Old Ladies that came about several years ago when a Nosy Old Lady in the form of a librarian gave me a complex about our bedtime process with Lil’ Chaos. I had been engaging in friendly idle chatter with someone else in line about bedtime challenges. Lil’ Chaos was in line with me. When we got to the front of the line, Nosy Old Librarian chirped up and asked how old Lil’ Chaos was, and dished out all sorts of criticism about how we were going about our bedtime process. I was in a tizzy for days. I had emotions ranging from severe self-doubt to rabid indignation.

But here is the conclusion I came to: Nosy Old Ladies serve a valuable purpose. They force us to examine our choices, and that is never a bad thing –as human beings, but especially as parents. It’s always good to take a look at your choices through someone else’s eyes. Whether the result is that you stick to your guns and find the courage of your convictions or try a new strategy. Once you’ve examined your choices, you may go back and do the same thing but with a stronger sense of confidence because you’ve taken the time to reconsider and decide you were on the right path. Or, given a new outlook, you find a different way to approach a problem or issue, or end up doing some research to find a new solution. Either way you end up with a positive outcome.

Another positive result I’ve found is that it has opened Jen and me up to communicate and examine some of our choices together. We find our team ship strengthened in our steadfast resolve to not be swayed by Nosy Old Ladies; We reconsider choices, decisions, family rules together as a result of Nosy Old Ladies questioning this or that. So, not only have I had a positive outcome, but our relationship –and the family –has been reinforced, too.

I’ve had plenty of friends, family, and, of course, strangers continue to put this theory to the test, and as far as I can tell Nosy Old Ladies have been a challenge for young parents from time immemorial. This is my positive spin…

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just funny

Sometimes Fin is just a little weirdo. She is quirky and beautiful and funny...also quite feisty!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wishing in One Hand

Posted at The Next Family
by: Danny Thomas

Stay-at-home dad

If the weather holds, we’ll have missed the point…

here’s what’s been going on…
time’s are tough, it’s winter, money’s tight.
life is busy, there isn’t enough time or cash to do all the things I want to do.
but, we are settling in to 2011 after wrapping up a year of tremendous adjustment and accomplishment.

I have been spending time reflecting…
no, that’s not exactly true, I have been trying to find time to reflect –
on finding myself here, now, at this point in my life, approaching 40. And on where we are as a family in a new place, ready to plant new roots, start new careers, begin school, and dance lessons, and soccer.

My babies are growing up – I have a five-year-old and a two-and a half-year old.

How am I ever going to keep up?
I need 12 more hours in the day,
I wish I had time to play music and rebuild guitars.
I wish I had time to go out and have drinks with friends – maybe see some live music or take in a movie.
I wish I could spend an afternoon at the spa getting a mani/pedi, a facial, and a massage.
I wish I had time to sit around the house watching old movies and having a lazy day.
I wish I had time to write more.
I want to build a computer.
I wish I had time to read more, I have books and books I want to read — parenting books, a couple biographies, fiction and non-fiction, a giant stack.
I want to get all those stacks of paper in the office organized.
I want to exercise more – get fit – so I have a better chance of keeping up with those kids.
I wish I had the dollars to afford to do all of that stuff.

But I also know that getting hung up on what I don’t have is an insipid and dangerous mental game – as the old saying goes: you can wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up faster. Sometimes I just have to fantasize a little, and make a list or two of what I’d like to do. I also think there is abundance in gratitude, and the more appreciation you have for what you have, the more you see the bounty; and the more you see it the more it comes to you.
I know that may be idealistic, or come across as naïve, but it seems like a natural extension of the laws of physics…like is attracted to like – bountiful thoughts, bountiful energy attract more bountiful energy…I am reminded of the truth of this on a regular basis when putting my girls to sleep; if I am edgy, thinking about all the other things I want to do with my evening or cranky because of a long day, my children take longer to let go and fall asleep. But when I relax with them… well, that is the best way to get them to unwind.

Anyway, knowing on an intellectual, or even an emotional, intuitive level that this is true doesn’t make it any easier to put into practice some days… some weeks…
But I have faith in my blessings and hope for my bountiful life and even on the hard days I find sweetness and delight…

Sacrifice and compromise, character-building, at least that’s what they say…
I guess I just have to get used to this ever-changing life, give up hoping for any notion of ever truly “settling in” and accept the fact choosing to spend my time one way means I don’t get to spend it nine other ways, every time…

And also hold on to the hope that as we progress things will find balance and we’ll work out ways to fit it all in, at least some of the time…


Special Treats

Jen had a theatre conference in Minneapolis on March 3-6. Conveniently, Grandma Sandy got tickets for her and the girls to see Disney Princesses on Ice. It was a win/win situation all around!

There was bowling with Uncle Jonathan and Porter.

Mom hung out with Stephen...FINALLY after 5 years!

Danny saw everyone off at the bus.

The "princesses" in their capes at the show.

On the bus ride home.

Grandma and Finley.

Maya and Shirley.

The morning after with their loot!

And as Danny and the girls picked up Jen after the conference we were able to have a lovely lunch with Stephen and Brett.

A really wonderful weekend!