Saturday, August 31, 2013


Sometimes when I'm working I get a message like this...

How can I say no to a visit at school from these two?!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Mani/Pedi Treat

Mama and Maya and Fin are going for Pedis and Manis tomorrow afternoon! Oh, what a lovely surprise for them. 

We had a great time but they ran out of patience for me to get a mani. It was a wonderfully decadent end to the summer.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Kindergarten Classroom Visit

Fin visited her classroom and met her teacher, Senora Johnson, today!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Lemonade stand this morning. Ice cold and sold by three splishy-splashy, crazed loons. Stop in by. Kick off your shoes and stand in the wading pool while you have a sip.

Last fall the girls had a lemonade stand before a football game. They had an awesome time and made some money. All winter and spring they were trying to decide what to do with their earnings. One day at Target they saw a fancy lemonade dispenser and they decided they wanted to reinvest in the company. So...we said yes.

They chose first-year move-in weekend which was great because of the traffic. The not great part was that I had run a half-marathon the day before...

and that it was probably 105 degrees with raging humidity. Good for sales but hard on the workers! We dragged the kiddy pool next to the table and they were at it from about 10am until we shut them down at 3pm. They were awesome and had a great time!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Monday, August 19, 2013

Family Bike Rides

We've been going out on Family Bike Rides sponsored by the local bike shop. It is pretty great since all the kids really enjoy their riding time. We had a bit of planned and unplanned adventure tonight.

We always ride to a park, play and then ride back.

Danny had an adventure when his pedal broke.

And after our gelato the kids got to ride the course...

 or walk it in Claire's case.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Nerds of a Feather

We are raising nerdly children and I kind of love it. Maya said, "Georgie (a dog) is a ruffian on a leash." Nerds with words.

Quick Visit

We snuck down to Geneva to visit Grandma Barb! Maya cleaned up with the claw game!

Friday, August 16, 2013

SCFF--The Rides

We did a day of wristbands and rides! Even Danny got in on the action.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

SCFF--Other stuff

The Owatonna Fair was a huge part of my childhood. It's been great to be able to take the kids down to take in all of the fabulousness. Grandma Sandy lives "close" enough that we have a good walk there and back...about 1.5 miles each way. It's nice to wear the kids out a bit! :D

Getting ready to walk
 Checking out some of the animals
 With the SCFF mascots

 Donuts with Grandma Sandy
 Fin likes donuts!

 Claire likes 1 bite out of every donut!
 Quiet walks
 And sound asleep
 Taking in a puppet show
 More walks...this time with Porter
 Silly faces

 We watched the draft horse show, of course.

It was a great few days at the fair!