Saturday, October 20, 2012

Buffalo River Pumpkin Patch

We found a great pumpkin patch just out of town! It was a beautiful fall day and we had a great time picking out our pumpkins!

Here are a bunch of pictures.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Family Haircut Day

Well, we knew this day would come. Maya and Danny needed haircuts and Fin decided that it was time to assert her authority with regard to her hairstyle. So...Fin got a haircut too. A big haircut.

Fin before

A little pre-cut book reading time.

Fin in the chair

The first length. (I was fine with this but Miss Finley said, "Still too long!")

So we ended up here!!!!

Where did my baby go?!?!


Sisters together!

And Maya got cleaned up for pictures on Tuesday too!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Boot Freedom?

Today was Maya's 4 week check-up on her foot. The good news is that the metatarsal has healed. The bad news is a tendon is pulling on the growth plate. So...we go back in 2 weeks for another x-ray. Maya (and Mom and Dad) were pretty bummed. You could see the disappointment wash over her face and then she got very brave. Sweet thing. But then at bedtime she started to cry because she just wanted to rollerblade to Finley's school.

Here's hoping to being released from the boot on October 18th!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Magic Spoon Revisited

We drew the "Magic Spoon" card again at supper time! These were our answers this time! Here are our answers from last time.


  1. Claire to grow up faster
  2. Dad's pants to stay up
  3. Mom to be smarter
  1. My birthday
  2. Mom to have more magic than dad
  3. Baby sister who wouldn't scream
  1. Health for all my family and friends
  2. Clutter-free house
  3. A magic bag that would have whatever he needed/wanted in it
  1. A two-week vacation on a tropical island
  2. All our bills paid forever
  3. A perpetually perfect manicure/pedicure

First Snow

It made for a cold morning at the bus stop!

And, October 4th?!?!?! Too early but the kids are loving it!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rocking the Side Pony

It is Fin's favorite hair-do these days! Here's a picture of her and her favorite "do" with Maya and Henry!