Friday, November 14, 2008

long time no see...

hey there...
i know it's been a long while since we've posted...
we are blessed with a very full life right now so
finding a moment to upload pictures, post them and write a clever story
or two
has just not made it to the top of the list of priorities...

There is housework to do
groceries to buy
volunteering at the daycare
rehearsal and sound design
grading papers
writing papers
reading books
feeding the cat
changing diapers

some big peices of news
that are kind of filling up our lives right now
maya is making the transition into underpants!
she still struglles with the pooping
but remembers completely on her own
when it's time to pee
we have to talk alot about pooping
and then put a pull-up on so she can poop

i had a strange moment the other night
i was changing laundry from the washing machine to the dryer
and found myself checking tiny kid panties for poop stains
"this is only going to get weirder," i thought to myself, and then realized
the panties i was holding were decorated with ice cream cones.

Parenthood is a strange, strange thing!

Maya is also putting herself to bed...
we have shifted from Jen or I staying in her room
and rocking her for anywhere from 20 to 90 minutes
and now we read a story or two, have some snuggle time...
then Maya crawls into bed, sometimes with a book,and we leave the room.
sometimes it takes her an hour or so - but she is doing it on her own,
and mostly staying in her own bed thru the night too.


her reward is a movie!
current favorites - sleeping beauty (thanks, Sandy!) and Peter Pan.
Cars and Spirit have been trumped by the classics.

Fin is eating like a tank and singing cooing and giggling.

All three of my girls are beautiful, vital and dynamic creatures and i thank my lucky stars every day and every night!


Team Swinehart said...

YAY! I'm so glad for the update. I've been thinking a lot about you guys and miss you everyday.
Congrats Maya on all of the big girl steps you are achieving.

Love you all!

McThor Home said...

Danny- you crack me up! Checking for poop stains has me giggling uncontrollably... I don't know anyone better suited for all of the "weirdness" that comes with parenting... Wait, that didn't sound right...but it wasn't meant to sound bad!!!