Sunday, April 19, 2009

London - Devon (Day 5)

After Maya's full night of sleep we all slept until 9:15am Sunday morning – and had a 10am checkout – we hadn’t packed and the kitchen was full of dirty dishes and Chinese takeout!


hurry hurry

But it worked we got out and got going – got ourselves to Dino’s Italian Café for a full English breakfast??? and then on the Tube to Paddington…

Maya definitely seemed to be getting the hang of traveling. She declared herself in charge of her carseat (with stroller attachment) and took advantage of her seat while we waited for the Tube. She looks like such a pro reading her book and taking in the tourists (: while waiting!

Trained it to Devon – The train was crazy full as it was the end of a holiday weekend so there were vacationers and students all with loads of luggage all over the place…

It was pretty high stress finding a seat and a place for our luggage… eventually Matt just camped out in between cars with our bags. The rest of us had seats but ended Jen and I ended up with the kids both passed out on our laps. It was good to have the time to wind down after getting so tense at the start of the ride…

We arrived in Exeter and spent a little time fighting with the carseats then drove directly to the Duke. There was a crowd gathered we sat and drank and ate in the back garden

Maya instantly made some friends Sarah, Benjamin and Samuel who she ran around with for a while – so that Jen and I could get acquainted with Jane – we had a lovely visit that lasted ‘till late in the evening when we all came up into the room for a night cap – we plugged Maya into the DVD machine with her prize for an excellent night of sleep the night before (Anastasia, the childrens animated take on the fall of the Romanovs…).

But unfortunately we nightcapped for too long and Maya turned into a bit of a Rasputin herself…

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