Sunday, August 29, 2010

Grandma Sandy and a Special Guest

After a long week of orientation, meetings and workshops it was fabulous that Grandma Sandy was able to come up and help us decompress. She had a special guest tag along this time...Cousin Porter!

Saturday we headed out to Concordia to look at my office. We had a bit of a "situation"...

Then we went to the Island Park Craft Fair and had lunch and a ride on the lawnmower train (the same one from the Corn Feed post).

There was piano playing...

And skateboarding...

There was baking (cookies and zucchini bread)...

and "tasting"...

A little bit of pig-piling

And an overall good time...although you wouldn't know it from this picture! :D

Overall it was a successful trip. There were times when it was difficult for Porter and Maya to "share" Grandma Sandy but overall I think it was a great first run at cousin time!

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