Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Mom is My Hero

Everyday I spend as a parent I feel this more and more.

It is no coincidence that I am a homemaker like she.

I strive to honor her and that designation everyday.

She worked harder than anyone I know.

She, along with my dad, supported our family, to keep us fed, clean,

out of jail…

I have only begun to feel the strain of that work.

It is because of my mom that I clap for Tinkerbell;

That I believe in magic…

It is, at least somewhat, because of my mom that I grew up valuing cultural enrichment.

She used to take us at least once a month or so to the U-District, to the Neptune or the Varsity. Her appreciation for music is broad and deep, eclectic and passionate. We went to the theatre from an early age – a place where I eventually found my second home –and my true love… we went to the library on a weekly basis… and we went to every festival in the Puget Sound area…

My mother is passionate about truth and knowledge, two things I cherish, and values I intend to pass on to my children…

She taught me about strength

about sacrifice

and compromise

and devotion

and loyalty…

about patience and openness

about transformation and transience…

about feelings and the value in the exchange of ideas

she taught me how to balance a checkbook (not that I do…)

and about the joy of road trips, also known as Fun Family Outings

and she continues to teach me every time we talk on the phone

she is noble, and humble

she is strong and gentle

in her kitchen she concocts recipes of love and more…

she taught me that you could be poised and classy, while vacuuming around

a stack of framed pictures…

I think it is my mother’s influence that has shown me the light of the world

and inspired me to have children, and share that light with them…

through words

and acts

and music

and food

through quiet

and firelight

and shadows

and dancing…

I have the utmost gratitude for my mother.

by The Next Family
by: Danny Thomas

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