Monday, May 28, 2012

A Mom & her Girls

Danny headed back to Seattle to spend more time with John, Elaine and Matt. So, the girls and I are on our own for a few days. Memorial day was pretty laid back. We went to the park, watched a movie, went to target/grocery store, went for a bike ride/walk, did our nails and prepared for the week. 

Puss Puss missed Danny and wouldn't get off the bath mat.

Maya clearly thinks Danny is broken up about being away from me.

And a Fin drawing

Manicures. Nail polish was a prize for doing well at the grocery store and target.

The mornings were pretty good. We made sure we laid out the clothes the night before and had the bags and shoes ready to go. We did pretty well! Here are a few pics from our time together.

Our first morning at the bus stop. It was pretty chilly but everyone was in good spirits!

Even Claire. She was who I was worried about being solo and trying to get everyone off. She usually wakes up about 7:30 and wants to nurse for a while. Thankfully she woke up about 6 each morning and nursed so she wasn't grumpy while we were getting everyone off to school.

2nd morning we all got up about 20 minutes late but still made it to the bus on time! Hooray!

And the last morning was the last day of school! (separate post)

We did really well and everyone was glad to see Dad on Thursday night!

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