Tuesday, September 2, 2008

still finding sand

checking in after our wonderful trip to the ocean!
Maya and i had a blast playing in the waves and flying kites.
i got to spend a lot of time holding Fin and getting lost in her eyes...
We had lots of laughs and good food and playtime with Kevin and Leah and Tuesday.
Jennifer and i got to enjoy a few extra moments of rest and relaxation together when the girls were both sleeping or when one or the other of them were being held/entertained by Kevin, Leah, or Nana (Kevin's mom came along for extra hands)

I keep finding little piles of sand all over the house!

We managed to only bring home two small rocks!
(I could usually bring about 5 times this many treasures on my own let alone with Maya's help).
I think we were more preoccupied with running around than collecting treasures.

One of the highlights of the trip, for me, was at one point in the afternoon Maya and I had a solo adventure in town - we were driving and i put a Peter Paul and Mary CD on in the car - thinking she might dig it ( I am working on a show that may use some folk music from the early 60's)...

well after about one and a half songs she was like - "daddy, can you turn this off? I want to rock..."

I was like "yeah sure," and the only rocky thing i had in the car was the New Pornographers album Twin Cinema - I put it in and she instantly started banging her head.

I asked, "How's this?" "This is better." My daughter is a rocker. i was beaming with pride!

After the second song she said - I like the girl singers better - the boys are too noisy - this is a girl who knows how to make both her parents proud!


McThor Home said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

Shawn & Linda Henry said...

hee hee - shawn & I got such a kick out of this! I'm guessing "daddy, I want to rock" is going to make its way into our vocabulary quite often!

Team Swinehart said...

That is AWESOME!!!