Monday, October 6, 2008

MN Trip, Part 4

I know, I know...where have I been with the updates and new pictures? Well, you'll just have to wait until I finish off the MN trip!

Thursday (9/11)
Well, the morning started off quite rainy...torrential downpours to be exact. Danny showed Maya how to splash and frolic in the COLD rain! Let's just say Danny got more into it than Maya!

Danny was adventurous enough to "splash" while it was still raining! Really, really cold!

Maya tried that but didn't enjoy the temperature and instead waited until the raining was finished and enjoyed splashing in the dry weather. Dude...what is up with this face!?

After drying off and warming up we headed to Grandma Babe's for lunch, naps and games of 500. As a very unimportant side note Grandma and I ended one game nearly 1700 points in the hole!! That has to be a record!

We picked up Porter about 4pm and headed out to Pat and Barb's for a wonderful surprise and adventure--PONY RIDES!!! Well, the pictures say it all!

As proud as you can get!

Grandma Sandy explaining what a mane is to Maya.
By the end of the night Maya was asking (read demanding) that she be able to ride by herself. No one was allowed to touch the reins or the lead...Miss Independent wanted to do it her own way! So, since the ponies knew the way back home, Maya got her wish. Of course Grandma was walking right next to her...just not touching! :)

The Steinberg residence has a plethora of items to ride...and Maya tried most of them out! Check out the posture in this pic! :)

On the way home we stopped at A&W in Faribault! Yummy! The best exchange so far in Maya's life happened on that night. Porter wasn't too into sharing and Maya desperately wanted a drink of his float even though she had her very own. She asked politely, she jumped on the seat behind him, she laid on him, you name it-she tried it. All of this was to no avail, Porter would not, could not share. With all other options gone, Maya screams at the top of her lungs, "CAN I HAVE JUST ONE DRINK, PUUUUHHHHHH-LLLLLEAAAASEEEEEE!" It was at this point that Danny, Mom and I lost it. We had been doing so well, modeling good behaviors and keeping ourselves in line that at this point all hell broke loose! We laughed for a really long time and periodically holler, "Can I have just one drink please!"

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