Wednesday, November 18, 2009

An Inappropriate Funny...

This is a story about a preschooler swearing. Close the window if you have sensitive eyes.



^^^^^ asked for it.


This morning we were rushing around the house doing the morning ritual. Maya's class was going on a field trip to a ceramics studio and asked that all the students be to school before 9am. We usually roll in about that time so we were pushing ourselves to get out of the house a few minutes earlier. I know Danny and I both mentioned that we needed to hurry so Maya wouldn't miss the bus which resonated for Maya. She was storming about the house hollering at us to "hurry" and shuffling Fin to the door. Danny was off to brush his teeth and I decided to take the kids out to the car. We barely get out of the house and Maya, realizing Danny is still in the house, lets the following sentence rip:


One last chance to look away...


"Goddammit! Now I'm going to miss the bus!"

Yes. That is what she said. Just imagine the perfect inflection and sense of urgency...because Maya nailed it spot on! I quickly stopped and we had the following conversation:

Me: "Maya I didn't hear what you said but I don't think it was very friendly."
Maya: "But I didn't say stupid."
Me: "No you didn't. But I think you said God-something. I couldn't quite hear and..."
Maya: "Oh, yeah I said Goddammit."
Me: "Ah, yeah. Yeah. Well, that's not ok."
Maya: (silently smirks)
Me: " is not ok."

She slunked off to the car quietly. Meanwhile I picked up Fin and buried my face in her belly to stop up the laughter. I know it's inappropriate but holy hell...

Chalk it up to another brilliant parenting moment from Jen and Danny!

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