Sunday, August 25, 2013

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Lemonade stand this morning. Ice cold and sold by three splishy-splashy, crazed loons. Stop in by. Kick off your shoes and stand in the wading pool while you have a sip.

Last fall the girls had a lemonade stand before a football game. They had an awesome time and made some money. All winter and spring they were trying to decide what to do with their earnings. One day at Target they saw a fancy lemonade dispenser and they decided they wanted to reinvest in the company. So...we said yes.

They chose first-year move-in weekend which was great because of the traffic. The not great part was that I had run a half-marathon the day before...

and that it was probably 105 degrees with raging humidity. Good for sales but hard on the workers! We dragged the kiddy pool next to the table and they were at it from about 10am until we shut them down at 3pm. They were awesome and had a great time!

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