Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New Element

So, I am trying to figure out how to "talk" about the job search. I think I am having a lot of anxiety about the whole process. Last year when I was applying for GTF positions and getting rejection letter after rejection letter it was hard to not take it personally (which I know is ridiculous).

Since there are several of you who are interested in where I am applying and the status of the job hunt, I thought I would post a list of the places I apply to and make the whole thing public rather than private. That way I am forced to share my disappointment as well as excitement (knock on wood).

So the list is over there ------>.
I will update it when I hear anything positive or negative and I will continue to add to the list as I send more applications out!

And yes, I know, we need to do a family update of Thanksgiving and the rest. Probably tomorrow...because I will need to update you all with Fin's stats...we are taking her in for her 4 month appointment tomorrow!


Team Swinehart said...

Crossing my fingers that this job search is easier than the last...and that you don't move to hell and gone. :-P

McThor Home said...

Sending out positive energy first for the process to go well and second for you to end up closer to me!!!!