Friday, December 19, 2008

A Visit to the Man in Red!

So, Maya has been expressing interest in Santa this year. If you will recall, last year Maya had a very intense fear of men with white beards/mustaches. She climbed up my body at Quizno's one night because "Santa" was going to get her. Needless to say, when she said she wanted to visit him Danny and I were skeptical. We had some time this morning because of an incident with bad pasta, puking and a 24 hour rule at the off we went to Valley River Center. I called first to make sure Santa was there because the weather was snowy...but of course, his sleigh got him there without incident.

So we get into the mall and begin our walk down the corridor. Maya asks several times where Santa is and we tell her probably down the way by the big Christmas tree. She starts to talk about "not liking white beards" and Danny and I look at each other anticipating the potential disaster.

We get to the Christmas tree and there is Santa perched on his over-sized arm chair and he beckons us to join him. Danny and I just let Maya lead the way and sure enough, in she walks! She definitely kept an eye on him and got on and off his lap quickly. He was able to ask Maya what she wanted for Christmas and she quickly responded with "a tuba". That's right folks...our nearly 3 year old wants a tuba for Christmas. Santa just looked at me and I smiled and nodded. He pressed her a bit more asking if she wouldn't like a dolly to which he received a lukewarm maybe. I asked if she thought a "big girl bed" would be cool...we keep trying to get this seed planted in her brain for Christmas morning...she thought that would be good too! Fin just perched and stared and was overall a happy camper!

Just so you know...Santa has been looking all over hell for a toy tuba. Guess what...there aren't any! Not a one. Well, I believe Santa is improvising a bit and will place the book/cd "Tubby Tuba" on her big girl bed and hope that will suffice!

Here is the proof of our visit! :)


Team Swinehart said...

OMG! I love that picture!!!
And the fact that she wants a TUBA is awesome.

dannytdot said...

it wasn't bad pasta after all!
we've all had bad stomachs - and far enough apart that it's clear it was a bug traveling thru the family!