Tuesday, May 13, 2008

How Many???

If you click on the numbers on the ticker it goes through the various ways of counting up/down the pregnancy. Well, if you click it a few times you can see we are at 60 days left or 8 weeks and 4 days! Seriously...that is too soon.

Here are a few of the things still left to do:
-Move Maya into her big sister room (this sounds easy enough but it means emptying out the guest room of a billion books and various other bits)
-Order the "new one's" bed
-Wash up/sort out the baby gear (again...easy enough except we totally didn't pay attention as to how we were throwing stuff in bins as Maya grew out of them)
-Find all the gear (stroller, car seat, ergo, etc)
-A billion other little things that I can't think of right now...

And I know this is a "repeat" picture...but I freaking love it!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I freakin' love it too! And I love you FOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is Alina by the way, as Derick might not express his love so freely.
:)OMG 60 days? OMG OMG OMG