Tuesday, August 5, 2008

All's Well...

Finley had her 2 week well baby check up today. She is 9 pounds 12 ounces which is a gain of 1 pound 4 ounces in 13 days. She is up to 21 3/4 inches! Dr. Curtin declared her perfect and told us to come back in 2 months!

Our family is doing well. We are figuring out how to get out of the house in the morning without losing our minds (for the most part). We've had a couple of nights where the girls wake up on alternating hours which means Danny and I get very little sleep. Most of this is due to the lovely summer cold that has taken over our house! Coughing, sneezing, snot...we are a beautiful group!

On a more personal/business note...most of you know that I have been stressing about a full year GTF position in order to maintain our health insurance, tuition waiver, etc. I don't want to jinx anything...and I won't write about it until it's finalized...but there is definitely a wonderful option on the horizon. If you have spare good thoughts to put into the universe I would appreciate any extras in the next couple of weeks.


McThor Home said...

TONS of positive thoughts your way!!!!

Team Swinehart said...

All the positive energy I have is aimed your way! Good Luck!

Ad Libitum said...

Jen & Dan,
Elaine and I will stay up nights sending positive thoughts, since our days are already filled with them. We can't squeeze any more into our existing waking hours:)
John T