Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lots to catch up on...

Well, it's been a while since we have updated the blog. That could be because we are MELTING in extraordinary heat. Thankfully it seems to be cooling off and we even have some rain in the forecast!

We had a few tricks to beat the heat...

Maya ate popsicles at the local watering hole.

While Finley was alert but sweating in her carseat.

We even went to the 11am it was 92 degrees...yes, it was hot! But we had a wonderful time. Maya was a BIG girl and rode rides all by herself. It really freaked me out because she looked so grown up!

Here she is riding the motorbikes...

Driving the dumptrucks...

Flying the airplanes...

After naps we went to John & Elaine's hotel and enjoyed their swimming pool.

Here is Maya eyeing up the big "grils" (that is not a typo...that's how Maya says girls). And notice how she is standing...the Wesely blood runs strong!

Maya was brave and jumped off the edge all by herself into dad's arms.

And Finley slept on my lap in an attempt to stay cool!

It's been a fun couple of days. We've stayed busy but had a ton of fun doing so. The big news is we have booked tickets to come to MN for a week in September. We will be able to fit in a quick jaunt up to Fargo/Moorhead to see Mel, Britt and Odin as well as show Danny the old college stomping grounds. Then we will head down to Owatonna for the week to see the fam! We are really excited to see everyone!

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