Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Christmas

Well, it's been busy around here! The co-op is closed, Danny finished up his run of "It's a Wonderful Life", we had some snow & some illness...oh, and of course Christmas...whew...well, here's some pics!

Here is Fin, the happy elf! :)

Maya on a Christmas Eve walk. Can you just feel the excitement radiating off of her?

Frosting cookies. Green and blue is this season's green and red!

Santa's loot!

A princess in a leotard playing her "tuba"!

Merry Christmas to all! I hope your holiday season was filled with joy and bliss!


McThor Home said...

The Happy Elf pic is classic!

Team Swinehart said...

That is AWESOME! I LOVE the pic of Fin, the 'happy elf'. And what a tuba. :-)
Merry Merry.