Saturday, April 5, 2008

Houston we have a FAN!

Yes, you read correctly...we have a working fan/overhead light! The "Milk-dreth's" came over last night and Danny and Terrence worked diligently to get the fan up and working. Meanwhile, Erica & Grace and Maya and I played and chatted! It feels nice to have it up and finished. Here is a picture of it in all of its glory as well as a peak at the growing white color of the upper cabinets.

Today we have Bounce (Maya's gymnastics and trampoline extravaganza). She has chosen quite the outfit to take her to the class. Here are a few pics of that as well as a picture of her hands after the morning's drawing-on-paper-at-the-nightstand-while-mom-and-dad-lay-in-bed-for-a-few-minutes art project!

We are hoping for a bit more progress on the kitchen today!!! So look for updates later tonight or tomorrow!!!


McThor Home said...

Congrats on getting that durn fan up!

Erica said...

Uh, we prefer to be called the Heldovichs . . .