Monday, April 14, 2008

Weekend Recap

The exhaustion has finally let up a bit and I am able to recount our tales of craziness!

Saturday we woke up bright and early thanks to our rooster-like child! The new routine is she gets out of bed, thump-thumps to her door, opens the door, closes the door, runs to our bedroom and hops in bed under the covers while trying to convince us all it's time to get up! Every morning. The mornings we enjoy the most are the ones where it is at least 7am!

So, it's Saturday which can only mean one thing: BOUNCE! Off we went. Class was a bit of a struggle we think mostly because it was sunny and warm! (It ended up being in the mid-80s by the end of the day.) We came home and had lunch and then put Maya down for a nap. Meanwhile, Danny took a couple of loads to Lane Forest Products and BRING Recycling. Eventually, Maya fell asleep and I came out and started to put together the "over-the-toilet-shelf" for the 2nd bathroom.

When Maya woke up we all headed outside for fun in the front yard. Danny started digging out the flowerbed and I hacked away at the front hedge. Maya kept herself entertained by doing water projects, blowing bubbles and riding her little tiny bike. Danny had put out a bunch of "good wood" (read the sarcasm because it's there) and 2 neighborhood kids decided they should take ALL of it home in their red wagon. We were thankful that it was finding a new home, entertained at their moving methods, and concerned that it was going to magically appear on our doorstep once the parents realized what they were doing!

We worked outside for almost 5 hours. Danny and I knew we were in trouble when we could barely walk, talk or function at 6pm! But it felt nice to get a bunch of stuff done outside. That evening we finished the 2nd bathroom. We hung the cabinet, the towel rack and the mirror (we moved the round one from the big bathroom). It feels good to have a project finished! It still needs to be cleaned...but what doesn't in this construction zone these days!

Sunday morning Danny made some breakfast and I started to work on the knobs but quickly became frustrated by logistics. Thankfully Derick, Alina and Saffie came over to distract and assist. We loaded up all the hedge trimmings in their truck and while Danny and Alina hauled them away, Derick and I chased the girls in the backyard. We had lunch, naps and then moved on to more projects. We got all the knobs on the kitchen cabinets and got the new medicine type cabinet up in the big bathroom.

We are definitely moving ahead but we are definitely TIRED!! Somewhere in the middle we had tantrums, milkshakes and finally put together Maya's Easter bike! Here are a few pictures. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Team Swinehart said...

OMG! The cabinets and bathroom looks great and I LOVE Maya's bike. It made me giggle.
Miss you!