Monday, July 7, 2008

The Countdown Begins....5

Yes, five days left until the "due" date. Will I be one of those oddities (10% of pregnancies) that actually has the child on the actual date? Perhaps...I guess we will see. On the pregnancy front I don't feel any different than I did nothing new or interesting to report.

Danny stayed home today to try and recover from a nasty cold. He keeps worrying that the kid is going to come out and he won't be able to hold it because he is sick. Maya had it last week and I am hoping that I'm not next in line because that would suck more than being 10 months pregnant in 100 degree weather.

What a beautiful segue...yes, it's supposed to be almost 100 degrees for the next 2 days. I have one word...LOVELY! And yes, that is sarcasm dripping from the screen of your computer.

Tonight we realized that part of the apple tree had fallen down in the backyard from the weight of the apples. So out Danny and I went at 9:30 in the near-dark to try and "prune" an over-grown apple tree. Seriously ridiculous. I think we are going to see if we can call someone to come and hack it down and clean up the debris. I'm just not sure we have the time, energy or anything else to deal with it at this point or any point later this summer. Hopefully it won't cost a fortune...but right now our backyard is a freaking disaster zone.

Last night when Danny was getting Maya settled for bed she said..."Just a minute, I have to check my e-mail". And proceeded to pull out her little laptop, hit a few keys, make a few grunts and put her computer away. It was really funny.

I'll try and keep the blog updated every day for the next while...just so you all can stay in the know! :)

1 comment:

Team Swinehart said...

2 things:
1. I was born on my due date...Nuff said.
2. the laptop story is HILARIOUS!

Looking forward to meeting the new one in a few weeks.

love ya.
