Wednesday, July 30, 2008

i know not how i sink or swim...

it's already been a week - well over a week since young Finley Maxine came to live with us.
Outside her momma's belly.

She is already displaying signs of a strong personality.

Maya seems to have grown leeps and bounds in the last week
it may be by comparison,
it may just be this new level of responsiblilty...

it's probably both.
I am stunned by both her physical maturity and her growing up personality.
She is fully a kid now...
There is nothing left of that pudgy, squishy baby body and face...

it is bittersweet;
poignant and exciting
and i'm sure this is just the start of that kind of feeling about my children growing...

i have been spending alot of the time this week counting my blessings
i'll tell you - that's something having a healthy newborn will motivate you to do.
i have a glorious, dynamic, elegant, bright family.

I really don't need to count anymore than that but the list of blessings goes on.
my friends
my health
my faculties
my home
a cool car with a great stereo

there is always so much to do
i sat on the couch last night
watching a dull movie(why didnt we turn it off?)
making a list, in my head, of all the to do's
many of which have been hanging on me for a while

and it is so easy to let the minutia
and effluvium of day to day weigh
but damn!
there is so much glory in this life!
so many miracles
mirror balls!

i am worrying alot about how to handle Maya in this transition

and i think that weighs most
more than all those to-do's

here is a cool video i found today
harry nillson on the bbc

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"it is so easy to let the minutia
and effluvium of day to day weigh
but damn!
there is so much glory in this life!"