Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The month of July...

Well, we are officially here...July...the month of the due date! It doesn't seem that long ago that July seemed like it was years away and yet, here we are on July 1st!

We had a doctor's appointment yesterday. All is well with baby and I. My blood pressure is fabulous, I gained 1 pound and the baby is making progress towards coming into the world. Don't start calling, e-mailing or harassing about when...just yet! Let us at least get to the due date (the 12th). I personally don't think we will make it there...Danny on the other hand thinks we will go there and beyond. We have another appointment scheduled for the 11th...we will see if we need it. Dr. Schnapper politely offered an induction which we gracefully declined. Since I am 3/50/-2 (pregnancy code...figure it out if you can) she said it would be an easy induction. I really want to try and let it happen naturally this time...just for the experience. She said she was on-call Wednesday and Sunday if we wanted to spontaneously go into birth on either of those days! :)

There are still some items to do...
-pack a bag for the hospital
-wash the sheets on the baby's "bed"
-clean around the house (fold laundry, sweep floors, clean bathrooms) type of things

I'm sure there are more things to do...but my brain is pretty mushy these days.

There is no picture with this blog right now...but I figured it was best to get the "update" up...I'll add a fun picture after rehearsal...perhaps!

1 comment:

McThor Home said...

You guys are so frickin' patient...I'd be all over that induction. Give me the time and the place and tell me the sex! As much as I can control the better!

I love that you are you!