Friday, July 25, 2008

Post-Partum Wonderings

Well, it's been nearly a week. What a change 6 days can make in your life. Your heart can expand further than you ever thought imaginable and your body can become more exhausted than humanly possible.

Finley has her own personality showing through already. She has a fierce cry that diminishes into tiny little mewlings that can break your heart. She smiles and giggles often in her sleep. She stares openly and full of questions into your eyes.

Maya has grown up into a protective mother bear overnight. "Don't touch my sister!" "That's not safe." "I love you Finley." are just a few of the oft heard phrases in our house. We of course have moments of regression as well (stroller rides instead of bike rides) but we also have wonderful growth as well (she goes to the bathroom in the potty at least once a day if not more).

Life is changing and it is definitely beautiful!

Maya going home:

Finley going home:

Maya on the scale:

Finley on the scale:

A sweet pic of each of the kids...that is very strange to!

1 comment:

McThor Home said...

As I quickly glanced ahead at the pics you posted I thought, "Wow, Finley looks just like Maya did." Then after being a little more patient and reading I saw that it WAS Maya... Silly.