Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Four Days Later

Well, four days have passed since Finley was born. It definitely has been a whirlwind adventure. Here is a little bit about our most recent adventures.

-We checked in to the hospital at 6am.
-Bobby and Christy "hung out" (chased) Maya for the day.
-Finley was born at 1:34.
-Maya, Bobby, and Christy came to visit the hospital quickly followed by John and Elaine.
-Maya gave Finley her birthday present (a beautifully hand-painted frame of the family) and received a present from her little sister (a mini train set). Upon receiving said train set, Maya darted from the room ready to go home and try it out.
-Terrence, Erica and Grace came to visit.
-Danny, Jen and Finley crash out asleep only to be awakened every 2 hours for various tests and vital checks.

-The Wiants come for a visit bearing some much needed Dutch Brothers coffee.
-We worked valiantly to try and arrange all the needed appointments in order to be released by noon. Of course we were assured that this would happen so we called Kate and told her to bring Maya to the hospital about 12:15 so the family could come home together.
-We finally exited the hospital at 2:30! We were all starving and exhausted.
-Had lunch with the Thomases and quickly fell asleep.

-We got up and carted Maya off to daycare and introduced Finley to her class and friends.
-Kate, Finley and I loitered while Danny was at work.
-Evan & Hayley and Jackie and Jordan visited from out of was great to see them.

-Kate, Finley and I laid around at home dozing and snoozing. It was glorious.
-Danny came home from work and we went grocery shopping. Finley's 3 day old beauty made a Market of Choice employee cry.
-We picked up Maya and met John and Elaine for supper.
-Home again and we tried to sleep...Finley of course had other plans...mostly marathon nursing sessions all night!

-Breakfast at "Bacon" with John and Elaine.
-Finley had a check-up where Dr. Curtin pronounced her healthy and happy. We don't have to go back until her 2 week check up.
-A couple of appointments and then home to lounge with Bobby and Christy.

It's definitely been an adventurous few days. It's amazing how grown up a 2 1/2 year old can instantly seem when partnered with a brand new baby. Maya seems so mature and is showing us everyday what a wonderful and sensitive big sister she is.

John and Elaine left this morning and Kate departs tomorrow. We have no idea how we are going to "make it work" (Tim Gunn) but somehow we will manage...even if it's by the skin of our teeth!

Here are a few pictures of Saturday and Sunday.

1 comment:

McThor Home said...

Thank you, thank you for sharing those pictures!!! That little Maya is making me cry... what a sweetheart.

A truly beautiful family you are.